Water/Sewer: City of Woodbury 651-714-3508
Electric/Gas: Xcel Energy - Start/change service here.
Water/Sewer: Call to see which one services your address
1) Saint Paul Regional Water Services - 651-266-6350
2) Public Works - 651-249-2400
Electric/Gas: Xcel Energy - Start/change service here.
Water/Sewer: City of Cottage Grove 651-458-2831 or email dhintz@cottagegrovemn.gov
Electric/Gas: Xcel Energy - Start/change service here.
Water/Sewer: City of Inver Grove 651-450-2520
Electric: Call to see which one services your address
1) Xcel Energy 800-895-4999
2) Dakota Electric 651-463-6212
Gas: Xcel Energy - Start/change service here.
Water/Sewer: City of Eagan (651) 675-5030
Electric: Call to see which one services your address
1) Xcel Energy 800-895-4999
2) Dakota Electric 651-463-6212
Gas: Call to see which one services your address
1) Xcel Energy 800-895-4999
2) Centerpoint Energy (612) 372-4664
3) Minnesota Energy Resources (800) 889-9508
Water/Sewer: St. Paul Regional Water Services
(651) 266-6350
Electric/Gas: Xcel Energy - Start/change service here.
Water/Sewer: City of Maple Grove 763-494-6330
Electric: Call to see which one services your address
1) Xcel Energy 800-895-4999
2) Wright Hennepin Electric 763-477-3000
3) Connexus Energy 763-323-2650
Gas: CenterPoint Energy - Start/change service here.
Water/Sewer: City of Blaine 763-785-6141
Electric: Call to see which one services your address
1) Xcel Energy 800-895-4999
2) Connexus Energy 763-323-2650
Gas: Call to see which one services your address
1) Xcel Energy 800-895-4999
2) CenterPoint Energy 612-372-4664